Since 2003, the Azorean Maritime Heritage Society has awarded scholarships to deserving local high school seniors and first-time college applicants who will be pursuing undergraduate education. Our scholarships began as two modest book awards of $50 each. Thanks to the generosity of our members and donors, they have grown steadily over time. AMHS is committed to helping our Portuguese-American community’s youth achieve higher education and to growing our scholarship offerings over time.
In 2025, AMHS will issue seven scholarships. The Faial, Pico, and Bela Vista scholarships ($1,500 each) are named after each of our whaleboats. The Dr. Mary T. Vermette Memorial Scholarship ($2,000) honors our founder and her dedication to keep our shared maritime heritage alive.
The Diamantino Fidalgo Memorial Scholarship ($1,000) will be awarded with preference for a student who plans to pursue maritime studies.
Memorial Scholarship for Arminda C.N.S. da Silva ($1,000)
In Memory of Jose Pacheco Branco and Clotilde da Rosa Branco ($1,000)
You can help fund these scholarships for our promising local youth. Become a member, make a donation to the scholarship fund, or attend one of our annual fundraising events: the Scholarship Dinner in March and the Sails of Portugal wine tasting in May.
The Mary Vermette Scholarship: Andre Ribeiro Capataz, Dartmouth High School $1,500
The Faial Scholarship: Lilly Baptiste, Dartmouth High School $1,000
The Pico Scholarship: Roger Jackman, Bishop Stang- lives $1,000
The Bela Vista Scholarship: Avery Carvalho, Westport High School $1,000
The Maria Jose & Diamantino Fidalgo Memorial Scholarship: Zachary Dias, New Bedford Vocational $1,000
In Memory of Jose Pacheco Branco: Lucas Correia, Fairhaven High School $1,000
In Memory of Clotilde da Rosa Branco: Gabriel Correia, Fairhaven High School $1,000
Irene Medeiros Memorial Scholarship: Ryan Lynn Paiva, Fairhaven High School $1,000
Memorial Scholarship for Arminda C.N.S. da Silva: Caiden Demanche, Dartmouth High School $1,000